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Jiaxing Qijing Painting Technology Co.,Ltd


Jiaxing Qijing Painting Technology Co.,Ltd

Jiaxing Qijing Painting Technology Co.,Ltd. located in the scenic Jiaxing, Jiaxing is centrally located in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Ningbo and other international metropolis, convenient transportation and strong industrial base. Jiaxing Qijing Painting Technology Co.,Ltd.is a professional engaged in the dry spray booth’s R & D, design, manufacturing, sales, installation and after-sales as one of the high-tech enterprises. Company R & D dry spray booth which using modular paint mist separation module, compact structure, simple operation and maintenance, Mist separation module for the paint mist catching capacity is very strong, the mist separation effect is good, especially the latest generation of the drawer type paint mist separation module, the performance indicators are in the world leading level. Company's core members have many years of world-clas

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